Carlo VANCHIERI - Tratto e punto

Artist The prices of Carlo VANCHIERI / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title Tratto e punto
Year 2019
Category Painting
Medium Oil/canvas
Signature verso
Size of the artwork
35.43 x 11.81 in
90 x 30 x 2 cm
Certificate issued by Vanchieri Carlo
Bill/Invoice No
Condition excellent

Like a grid of warm tones, spreading from the orange shades to the light yellows and bright reds, on which some cold contrasting geometric shapes are undermined, sometimes dabbing, at times through flat colours.
Here the application of tiny tissue paper shapes finds its way,
just like lines and points, pattern that gave birth to the
painting's name. Maybe it's about a wanted - or spontaneous -
approach towards what the legendary Bauhaus school's been.

Lot # 2767636
Seller status Private seller
Country ITALY (Bagheria)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Shipping cost 30
Insurance No
Number of parcels 1
Weight 4.0
Auction ends on 03 Jun 2024 06:00
In process
4,850 €
4,850 € (5,262 $)
4,850 € (4,132 £)
4,850 € (38,061 ¥)