Paolo AMBROSIO - tintotela 70-33

Artist The prices of Paolo AMBROSIO / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title tintotela 70-33
Year 1977
Category Painting
Medium Mixed media
Signature verso
Size of the artwork
39.37 x 55.12 in
100 x 140 cm
Overall Framed Size
41.34 x 57.09 in
105 x 145 cm
Certificate issued by Arkivio gallery, oppure dall'Artista
Invoice issued by Arkivio gallery
Condition excellent

Ambrosio found himself in symbiosis with Roland Barthes' mine of ideas and ideas in (Carte-Segni, Roland Barthes, 1981, Electa). In fact, since 1970 Ambrosio's research has adopted the trial and error system which, after severe and controlled tests, where the thought can be accepted or not, leads to the realization of something inevitable. In IMAGE-ART The gesture-sign theorized by Roland Barthes is highlighted in Ambrosio's individual intuitions.

-IMAGE-ART is an artistic practice that has been using the eye's ability to play on the act of GESTURE since the 1970s. The Gesture ignites its resources and makes it possible to transpose all the hopes of desire within us.

Excellent condition despite it being from 1974.

Lot # 2777503
Seller status Professional
Country ITALY (Torino)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the seller
Deliver to addressee in person Delivery to the addressee in person within 50 km
Insurance No
Number of parcels 1
Weight 8.0 Kg
Additional information

The Buyer decides on the trasport as best he can

Auction ends on 04 Jun 2024 06:00
In process
2,000 €
2,000 € (2,170 $)
2,000 € (1,704 £)
2,000 € (15,695 ¥)